Cheating Policy

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Copying of Academic Work

A student shall not knowingly use or copy academic work of another and present it as his or her own.  The term copying/cheating us used to include but not limited to the following terms of academic dishonesty:  unauthorized copying or sharing of homework assignments, plagiarism, cheating on quiz or test and theft or forgery.


A student is copying or cheating if he/she:

·         Copies a homework assignment from another student or gives a homework assignment to a student to be copied, unless specifically permitted or required by the teacher.

·         Faxes, duplicates or transmits using any technology assignments that will be turned in as original work.

·         Exchange assignments by printout, jump drive, modem or other electronic means, and submits it as original work.

·         Passes quiz or test information to another student before or during a class period or to students of another class period who will be taking the same quiz or test.

·         Talks, signs, or gestures in order to give answers to another student during a quiz or test.

·         Uses unauthorized notes, books, study guides, INTERNET or other information for an assignment that was to be the student’s original work.

·         Writes formulas, codes, symbols or key words on the student’s person or on objects for use during the test or quiz.

·         Uses programmed material in watches calculators or computer programs unless specifically permitted or required by the teacher.

·         Presents as the student’s own, the works or opinions of someone else without proper acknowledgement.

·         Submits as the student’s own, a project done in whole or part or in part by a family member, friend, other student or tutor.

·         Steal quizzes or tests, answers, answer keys or teacher materials.

·         Steals another student’s homework , notes, assignments, essays or projects.

·         Sabotages or destroys the work of others

***This list is NOT all inclusive



Students will receive a zero on the assignment/test, parent notification, conference with principal.